How does window configurator work on your website?
Step 1
Potential client clicks on a button that leads to window configurator on your website
Order a presentationStep 2
Next, they choose specific product parameters, that interests them or meet their requirements in order to find out the price
Step 3
After adding all positions to pricing list and providing all necessary/required contact data - client confirms willingness of receiving an offer, by clicking on a button that starts the process of pricing realization
Step 4
The system will automatically prepare a personalized offer for the client, based on all the data entered into dotFENSTER application
Step 5
Client receives a personalized document, sent to a provided e-mail addres, in a PDF format. It only takes 60 seconds!
Step 6
Customer advisor/consiltant working on a dotFENSTER application, receives a notification about a completed pricing process, together with all the information, that is available in the control panel
Step 7
Customer advisor or even the client, initiates contact in order to discuss the pricing and find out more detail regarding order realization
Step 8
Satisfied client finalizes order with your company and you increase your sales
PS. It is not the end!
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